© Cinémathèque suisse / Photo: Pierre-Yves Massot
Christina Benz (*1972, Zurich/CH), studied Fine Art at Central Saint Martins College in London (Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art with First Class Honours, 2004) and gained a Master of Arts in Fine Arts at Zurich University of the Arts in 2010.
Christina Benz' artistic practice comprises video, short films and drawings. Her cinematic work examines social aspects of human life in communal togetherness. She refers to themes such as consumerism, hyperactivity, identity-related questions, and the fragility of existence, which permeates like a leitmotiv through both genres.
Her film works have been shown in galleries in London, Barcelona, Brussels and Zurich, plus at international exhibitions and film festivals. Selected video installations have been exhibited as solo positions at international art fairs, represented by the Cynthia Corbett Gallery London: Arco Madrid; Artissima Turin (nominated for the Illy Prize); Volta Basel and Volta New York and at the Centre of Light Art in Unna. In 2022, her ink drawings debuted at the fair Art on Paper in New York City.
Her animation films are shown in cinema, television, and international film festivals: DOK Leipzig; Animateka; Ann Arbor Film Festival; Cinequest; Lake Placid Film Festival, where her short film 'Fulesee' was awarded 'Best Animation’. In 2024, her sand animations and fine art prints featured at the Musée Alexis Forel in Morges in the exhibition 'Grains de Folie'.
Works by Christina Benz are held by collections including Kunstsammlung der Stadt Zürich; Fundación Centro Ordóñez/Falcon, San Sebastián; SONS Museum, Kruishoutem; Mark Vanmoerkerke, Oostende; Charles-Antoine Bodson, Brüssel; Frédéric de Goldschmidt, Brüssel; Pierre & Nounouche Elkiner, Brüssel; Okolje Consulting d.o.o, Celje; WMG Limited, Photography Foundation, London, among others.
Videos / Essays / Texts