stop-motion film, 4K/HD, 4'18", directed & animated by Christina Benz, text&voice by Patric Marino (Die Astronauten), music by Oli Kuster (Die Astronauten), 2019
Sunday, Fulesee. Two people go diving in a lake. They understand each other without a word, everything seems ok. But the dive leads them not only to fish and into darkness, it also reaches into the depths of their souls. At 30 metres below the surface, fears and stories for which they cannot find any signs in diving language suddenly rise up.
This film is part of the project ‚Shifting Sands’. Further information: www.shiftingsands.ch

Fulesee Insights by Christina Benz, Patric Marino & Oli Kuster
© DOK Leipzig: Christina Benz im Gespräch mit André Eckardt
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